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Institute of Intelligent Communication Network and Security
Low intercept and anti-jamming communication, Security of communication systems, Green communications, Ad Hoc network, Software defined network, Communication chip design, Communication signal processing, High performance GNSS receiver technologies, Integration of sensing / communication / controlling for intelligent unmanned systems, Laser communication, Adaptive optics, Deterministic network, Network information theory, Millimeter-wave communications, Intelligent communications, Networked/collective intelligence
所长:赵民建 副所长:张宏纲 刘安
Institute of Information, Communication and Network Engineering (ICAN)
Next-generation wireless mobile communication and intelligent networking, intelligent cooperation of sensing, communication and computing, Internet of Things and Internet of Vehicles, high efficient visual media coding, visual perception and quality assessment, machine learning and multimedia data mining, computer vision and auto navigation, digital media processing, networked signal processing, advanced computation architecture and integrated system design.
所长:虞露 副所长:项志宇 钟财军 王玮
Institute of Signal Space and Information System
Hilbert space, theory and method of Hilbert space, characterization and decomposition of the wave field in inverse scattering problem, tomography and imaging, underwater target recognition, underwater communications and sea−air integrated information transmission, innovative theory and key technologies in wireless communications and networks for marine environment applications, autonomous underwater robots, acoustic sensing node.
所长:徐文 执行所长:李建龙 副所长:陈惠芳
所长:潘赟 副所长:赵梦恋 黄科杰
Research Institute for RF & Photonic Information Processing
Microwave photonic technology, photonic mm-wave/THz technology and its applications, RF signal
processing communication, and novel sensing and detection technologies.
所长:余显斌 副所长:张鹿
Innovative Institute of Electromagnetic Information and Electronic Integration
Sensing and feature extraction of complex electromagnetic environment of ocean, space, and terrain, computational electromagnetics for multiscale structure and multiphysics, metamaterial and cloaking, novel characterization of large-area graphene, surface plasmon, prototype of optical CPU, nano integrated photoelectric devices, modeling, simulation and optimization of micro and nano electronic devices, quantum electromagnetic simulation and designs, electromagnetic compatibility and protection of IT platform and sensitive electronic information system.
所长:尹文言 副所长:王作佳 沙威
Institute of Computing Intelligence and Signal Processing
Low-power VLSI chip design, neuromorphic/in-memory computing, electronic design automation, machine
learning algorithms and hardware accelerator, millimeter-wave system, cognitive radar signal processing,
networked sensing and processing, and system, embedded system, terahertz device and circuit.
所长:王勇 副所长:吴锡东
Institute of Intelligent Electronic Information Systems
Network communication with intelligent embedded system, artificial intelligence and mobile medical wisdom, low-power digital ICs and systems design, human-computer interaction and wearable devices.
硅基光子学、III-V族化合物半导体光电子器件、集成光电子片上系统、微纳传感及智能感知微系统、柔性生物传感系统、光纤传感系统、可穿戴电子系统、集成电路设计、可靠性及ESD、微波光子学、光通信、路由与交换芯片系统、在线监测、智能感知、石墨烯电子器件、纳米光子学和集成量子光学、硫基光子学、超表面成像系统、 高效太阳能电池、光电探测器。
Institute of Integrated Microelectronic Systems (IMS)
Silicon photonics, III-V compound semiconductor optoelectronic devices, Integrated optoelectronic system on chip, Micro/Nano sensor and intelligent sensing microsystems, Flexible bio-sensor systems, Fiber sensing systems, Wearable electronics, Integrated circuit design, microelectronic reliability and ESD design, Microwave photonics, Optical communication, On chip optical routing systems, In-situ detection, intelligent Sensing, Graphene electronic devices,nano-photonics and integrated quantum optics, Chalcogenide integrated photonics, Metasurface imaging syste, high efficient solar cell, photo detectors etc.
所长:储涛 副所长:余辉 车录锋
Institute of Multisource Perception and Machine Intelligence
Focuses on R&D for Intelligent perception, information processing and machine learning, including, but not limited to: network signal processing, multispectral imaging, image and video processing, computer vision, color technology, wireless sensor network, machine learning, data mining, artificial intelligence assisted wireless sensing and imaging, Doppler vision, wireless sensor networks and energy transmission, IoTs and RFID, wireless measurements, novel electromagnetic materials, new-concept radar and communication systems.
所长:沈会良 副所长:刘英 叶德信
Institute of Smart Sensor and Micro/Nano Systems
Heterogeneous integration for RF system, wireless passive sensor, self-powered sensing system, AI-enabled smart sensor systems, micro/nanofluidic biochips, novel thin film transistor device and IC, micro-spectral imaging camera, electrodynamic coupled integrated sensing technology and system, single-biomolecular sensing device and system, wearable and implantable smart sensing and medical system, system of bioelectrical signal acquisition and electrical stimulation.
所长:董树荣 副所长:金浩 汪小知
Zhejiang Provincial Key Laboratory of Information Processing, Communication and Networking (IPCAN)
The laboratory mainly focuses on building up experimental conditions and promoting industrial transformation of technological achievements. The laboratory is also a base of serving enterprises and promoting technologies by providing technical consultation and establishing foundation projects, etc.
Zhejiang Key Laboratory for Advanced Microelectronic Intelligent Systems and Applications
Our laboratory focuses on developing key important and generic technologies based on the national demands, so as to achieve distinctive innovations for microelectronic devices and intelligent integrated systems, of our own province. The laboratory is to be built as an internationally recognized and natively high-impact innovation hub for microelectronics and integrated systems, and to become a provincial platform encouraging technological and creative collaborations with various international research groups and industries.
Embedded System Engineering Research Center of MOE
Design of SoC with embedded CPU core and research of design automation methodology;Development of embedded operating system, environment and software/hardwareplatforms for specific applications; Enterprise cooperation and joint creation, for supporting and leading of embedded system industry.