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发布日期 :2015-01-21    阅读次数 :14931

题目:(1Defects in 2D Materials: Topological and Geometrical Effects

      (2Nanoscale Heat Transport and Dissipation: Interfaces,

                       Molecular Junctions, and Bio-Nano-Electronics




Dr. Zhiping Xu received his B.S. (2002) and Ph.D (2007) from Tsinghua University. After working at Rice University (2007-2008) and MIT (2008-2010) as a postdoctoral research, he returned to Tsinghua as an associate professor in year 2010. His recent research interests include natural and synthetic materials with complex microstructures, and collective behaviors of small-scale dynamical systems. More information can be found in the group website http://www.cel-tsinghua.org.


[1] Z. Song, V. I. Artyukhov, J. Wu, B. I. Yakobson, and Z. Xu, Defect-detriment to graphene strength is concealed by local probe: The topological and geometrical effects, ACS Nano (ASAP)

[2] Z. Song, V. I. Artyukhov, B. I. Yakobson, and Z. Xu, Pseudo Hall-Petch strength reduction in polycrystalline graphene, Nano Letters 13 (4), 1829-1833 (2013)

[3] Y. Wang and Z. Xu, The critical power to maintain thermally stable molecular junctions, Nature Communications 5, 4297 (2014)

[4] H. Wang, J. Gong, Y. Pei, and Z. Xu, Thermal transfer in graphene-interfaced materials: contact resistance and interface engineering, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 5 (7), 2599-2603 (2013)