Topic:Cognitive Networking and Sensing: A Big Data Way
Speaker:Prof. Robert Qiu
Tennessee Technological University
Most scientific disciplines are finding the data deluge to be extremely challenging, and tremendous opportunities can be realized if we can better organize and access the data. We approach this big data problem based on a large-scale network testbed (90 nodes of a hybrid network on campus). For a cognitive radio, aimed at next generation wireless communication, distributed spectrum sensing is mandatory. We provide a new perspective of exploiting this function and converting it to the real-time collection of big data. This talk proposes to leverage this testbed to a large scale physical infrastructure for Big Data. Our aim is for the data science. Data itself is our goal. Machine learning and data mining can be used to extract the knowledge from these large data sets.
Many challenges remain. First, real time communications is one open problem. Due to the large size of the data, only part of measured information can be passed to the central node for data processing. Large random matrices are natural building blocks. Concentration of measure, a unique high dimensional phenomenon, occurs naturally to rescue for this data deluge. Second, wireless distributed computing is very demanding. Using USRP2 as our major radio platform, computing can be done at 35 CPUs that are distributed on campus although some real time computing can be done in FPGAs (each USRP2 has an embedded FPGA). Third, big data-aware networking is a novel requirement. Data collection must be done in a sense of optimality: sensing and networking are jointly designed to meet some metric that is optimal for data collection. In particular, we are motivated for some applications: unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and robots. A heavy-duty 3D printer is used to make most parts for these platforms. Fourth, this testbed is natural for network security study. Anti-jamming communication is enabled. One motivation is for Smart Grid.
Robert Caiming Qiu (IEEE S'93-M'96-SM'01) received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from New York University (former Polytechnic University, Brooklyn, NY). He is currently Full Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Center for Manufacturing Research, Tennessee Technological University, Cookeville, Tennessee, where he started as an Associate Professor in 2003 before he became a Full Professor in 2008. His current interest is in wireless communication and networking, machine learning and the Smart Grid technologies. He was Founder-CEO and President of Wiscom Technologies, Inc., manufacturing and marketing WCDMA chipsets. Wiscom was sold to Intel in 2003. Prior to Wiscom, he worked for GTE Labs, Inc. (now Verizon), Waltham, MA, and Bell Labs, Lucent, Whippany, NJ. He has worked in wireless communications and network, machine learning, Smart Grid, digital signal processing, EM scattering, composite absorbing materials, RF microelectronics, UWB, underwater acoustics, and fiber optics. He holds over 6 patents and authored over 70 journal papers/book chapters. He has 15 contributions to 3GPP and IEEE standards bodies. In 1998 he developed the first three courses on 3G for Bell Labs researchers. He served as an adjunct professor in Polytechnic University, Brooklyn, New York. Dr. Qiu serves as Associate Editor, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY and other international journals. He is a co-author of Cognitive Radio Communication and Networking: Principles and Practice (John Wiley), 2012 and Cognitive Networked Sensing: A Big Data Way (Springer), 2013, and the author of Introduction to Smart Grid (John Wiley), 2014. He is a Guest Book Editor for Ultra-Wideband (UWB) Wireless Communications (New York: Wiley, 2005), and three special issues on UWB including the IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOLOGY and IEEE TRANSACTION ON SMART GRID. He serves as a Member of TPC for GLOBECOM, ICC, WCNC, MILCOM, ICUWB, etc. In addition, he served on the advisory board of the New Jersey Center for Wireless Telecommunications (NJCWT). He is included in Marquis Who’s Who in America.