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发布日期 :2013-05-14    阅读次数 :3953

Topic: Multipath Grouping for Millimeter-Wave Communications



Speaker:肖振宇 博士



Millimeter-wave communications (MMWC) has attracted growing attentions owing to its abundant frequency spectrum resource, which enables a much higher capacity than the existing communications below 6 GHz, e.g., the wireless local area network (WLAN) and the cellular mobile communications. This trend is demonstrated by the recent progresses in research and development of 60 GHz WLAN, as well as MMW mobile broadband communications. In MMWC, multipath components (MPCs) have different steering angles and independent fadings. Park and Han recently proposed a simple scheme for both transmitter and receiver to concurrently beamform towards multiple steering angles of MPCs to achieve both array gain and diversity gain. However, when the number of MPCs is greater than that of the transmit or receive antennas, a solution of antenna weight vector (AWV) does not exist. To cope with this problem, two multipath grouping (MPG) schemes, namely MPG-steering vector grouping and MPG-channel vector grouping, are proposed. These schemes group the MPCs that have close steering angles, and define an equivalent MPC for each non-empty group in both the transmitter and receiver. Some interesting results are obtained.


Dr. Zhenyu Xiao received the Ph.D. degree in the department of Electronic Engineering from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, in 2011, and B.E. degree in the department of Electronics and Information Engineering from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China, in 2006. From 2011, he is a post doctor in the E.E. department of Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. His research interests are communication signal processing and practical system implementation for wideband communication systems, which cover synchronization, multipath signal processing, diversity, multiple antenna technology, etc. Currently his is dedicated in millimeter communications.