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发布日期 :2013-04-07    阅读次数 :3455

报告题目:Interference Management for MIMO Wireless Networks – To Align or To Cancel?



报告人: Prof.  Wei Zhang

                   The University of New South Wales

                   Sydney, Australia

                   Visiting Associate Professor,

                   Hong Kong University of Science and Technology


There is an increasing research interest in approximate capacity characterization of wireless networks. The degree of freedom (DOF), also known as multiplexing gain or capacity pre-log scaling factor, provides a capacity approximation in the high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Recently, much research efforts have been made to characterize the DOF of communication over multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) interference channels or MIMO X channels. In this talk, a novel interference alignment and cancellation scheme with asymmetric signaling is presented to achieve or approach the upper bound of the DOF of the wireless networks where each transmitter/receiver is equipped with multiple antennas. We first show that the proposed scheme can obtain the exact upper bound of the DOF for 2-user MIMO X channels with constant channel coefficients for some cases of antenna configurations. Then, we show that the proposed scheme can obtain the DOF of M/2+N when N<M≤2N for 3-user MIMO interference channels with constant channel coefficients, where each transmitter and receiver are equipped with M antennas and N antennas, respectively. The achievable DOF is further proved to achieve or approach very close to the upper bound of the 3-user MIMO


Prof. Wei Zhang received the PhD degree in EE from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2005. He was Research Fellow at the Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in 2006-2007. In 2008, he joined the School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, where he is currently Associate Professor. His current research interests include cognitive radio, cooperative communications, space-time coding, and multiuser information theory. He received the best paper award at the 50th IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Washington DC in 2007 and the IEEE Communications Society Asia-Pacific Outstanding Young Researcher Award in 2009. He is an Editor of IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications and an Editor of IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (Cognitive Radio Series). He served as a TPC Co-Chair of Communications Theory Symposium of IEEE ICC 2011. Currently, he serves a TPC Co-Chair of Wireless Communications Symposium of IEEE ICCC 2013.