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关于美国麻省理工学院Henrik Schmidt教授学术报告的通知

发布日期 :2012-05-17    阅读次数 :2172

报告题目:Virtual Source Approach to 3D Scattering from Proud and Buried Targets

报告人: Henrik Schmidt教授



报告地点: 信电楼二楼会议室


Henrik Schmidt is Professor of Mechanical& Ocean Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He has served as Associate Director of Research at the MIT Sea Grant College Program from 1989-2002, and as Associate Department Head 1994-2002. He served as Acting Department Head of Ocean Engineering fro m 2002 - 2004. Professor Schmidt's research has focused on underwater acoustic propagation and signal processing, in particular on the interaction of sound in the ocean with seismic waves in the ocean bottom and the Arctic ice cover. In recent years Professor Schmidt has been pioneering the development of new underwater acoustic sensing concepts for networks of small Autonomous Underwater Vehicles. He is a Fellow of the Acoustical Society of America (ASA), and he was the 2005 recipient of the ASA“Pioneer of Underwater Acoustics” medal.